Be Like a Tree


More than ten years ago, a team at SSM planted these Japanese Cherry Blossom trees. They were mere saplings then. Since then, they’ve rooted. They’ve grown. They’ve bloomed.

Our roots go back to 1932. We were mere saplings then. Just a few team members looking to engineer solutions that make the world a better place. Since then, we’ve also grown. We’ve branched out and expanded our services. We’ve been resilient. We’ve stayed rooted in our values and in our mission. We’ve absorbed and soaked in the nutrients and the resources that our communities have offered us. And- perhaps our favorite- we’ve helped our clients’ visions bloom.

But as James Penny Cash once said, “Growth is never by mere chance. It is the result of forces working together.” SSM is the blooming, beautiful tree that greets you- because of the many forces that have worked together.

It is the Civil Engineering team, that has turned SSM into the resource that communities, institutions, and businesses turn to for forward-thinking solutions to everyday challenges. It is our Facilities team that has taken expertise, and powerful integrative approaches and turned SSM into the best, single-source solution for any facilities engineering challenge, no matter how many facets. Our Environmental team, that blooms by their ability to be a resource for cost-effective, well-engineered solutions whether it’s water and wastewater engineering to water resources. It’s our Survey and Data team that brings the force of not only accuracy, but expertise and care. And it’s our newest branch, our Energy and Sustainability team, that waters the seeds of growth for future generations while breaking down the barriers to our clients’ success and energy challenges.

These are the forces that have led to our growth, our resilience, our rooted care and grounded values. These are the forces of SSM.