New Round of State Grants Opens for Water, Sewer, and Stormwater Systems

New Round of State Grants Opens for Water, Sewer, and Stormwater Systems

A new round of funding for the PA Small Water and Sewer Program is open for applications through April 30, 2025, to assist with the construction, improvement, expansion, rehabilitation, or repair of water supply systems, sanitary sewer systems, and stormwater systems projects. The SSM team has acquired nearly $3,000,000 in the last few years in project funding from this exact loan distribution. We’re well-versed in assisting our clients with acquiring grant funds for their projects.

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Ensure Compliance with BEPP and Avoid Penalties

Ensure Compliance with BEPP and Avoid Penalties

If you are a commercial building owner in the City of Philadelphia, you may be required to comply with a recent regulation called the Building Energy Performance Program (§9-3404Building Energy Performance Policy). This ordinance mandates that owners of buildings larger than 50,000 square feet complete a “Building Tune-Up” every five years. The deadline for compliance has passed. If you have not yet addressed this requirement, now is the time to act! Non-compliance may result in violation notices and monthly fines from the Department of Licenses and Inspections (L&I).

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PA Department of Environmental Protection Launches Energy Efficiency Grant and Loan Program

PA Department of Environmental Protection Launches Energy Efficiency Grant and Loan Program

The PA Department. of Environmental Protection (PA DEP) launched a new program to help local governments develop and implement energy efficiency upgrades for their buildings. The Municipal Opportunities for Retrofits and Energy Efficiency (MORE) program offers grants to $50,000 each and loans to PA municipalities and municipal authorities that are ineligible for direct EECBG allocations. Applications are open now, and awards are first come, first served.

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Case Study: Radnor Township

Case Study: Radnor Township

Developed a plan to achieve The Green Team of Radnor Township’s Ready for 100 commitments to transition township-wide to 100% clean energy for electricity by 2030 and for heat and transportation by 2050.

In addition, we provided engineering services to the Township for three main facilities in a feasibility study to identify the potential financial impact and set priorities for moving into design and implementation of improvements in accordance with the Township’s Ready for 100 goals, pursuant to the Renewable Energy and Conservation Plan.

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Enhancing Piping System Longevity: The Role of Nitrogen in Fire Sprinkler Systems

Enhancing Piping System Longevity: The Role of Nitrogen in Fire Sprinkler Systems

Fire sprinkler systems play a crucial role in safeguarding facilities from the devastating effects of fires. For building owners who rely on dry pipe or pre-action sprinkler systems, a strategic switch from compressed air to nitrogen proves to be a functional solution for maximizing the lifespan of their piping systems.

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Tips for Oil Water Separators (OWS)

Oil water separators (OWS) are a vital part of protecting the environment from hydrocarbon releases. Although typically out of sight and mind, they quietly do their part when properly maintained. The coalescing media is the essential element for attaining acceptable oil discharge limits. However, the coalescing media is also most susceptible to solids obstructing proper oil separation. When solids and hydrocarbons are not removed regularly, they can cause unwanted sludge buildup in the system and poor effluent characteristics.

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Lead and Copper Rule Revisions: GIS for Service Line Inventory

Lead and Copper Rule Revisions: GIS for Service Line Inventory

EPA recently revised the Lead and Copper Rule, establishing compliance deadlines of October 2024. To jumpstart the road to compliance, water systems should consider deploying a GIS team to establish their service line inventory. Likewise, water systems should ensure they have an engineering team on board that is well-versed in providing engineering design and consulting services.

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