Impact of Facility Management

Integrating place, people, systems, technology and process is no small task.

Making sure that buildings and their services are functioning at peak levels is the mission of the facility manager and staff, and their list of responsibilities is probably filled equally between reactive and proactive measures to make sure the surrounding environment is in a suitable condition to work and thrive. No matter the size of the organization though, engaging outside facility engineering and environmental professionals to become trusted partners will alleviate some of the burdens of critical events and fulfilling strategic initiatives. Whether it’s an imminent compliance issue, or long-term planning, having access to additional technical assistance and experience in projects that may be seldom-done in-house provides real value. In addition to successfully completing projects within time and budget, measuring the success of facility consultants to provide value should include regular discussion of metrics that improve communication and project outcomes.

With the shift in workplace requirements like technological/social collaboration, flexible work/life balance, and sustainable practices to name a few, the role of the facility manager has an expanded reach and impact on the organization’s success.

  • Corporate Culture - Aligning the facility goals with the business goals is an essential step. Facility management plays an integral role in the creation and sustainability of company and organizational culture. From team collaboration requirements to client expectations to employee amenities to sustainable practices the physical layout of the space has a measurable impact on the culture and atmosphere within an organization.
  • Integrated Technology and Mobility - As a generation of employees that has grown-up with technology enters the workplace, the facility manager will face higher demands related to technology integrations. The facility manager will need to maintain and operate data centers, provide easily accessible connections and meet the expectation of minimal downtime. The traditional brick and mortar organization must be equipped with technology and expertise that will allow the facility manager to access building systems, records, vendors, and drawings on the go. A detailed asset management program provides today’s facility manager all the information at their fingertips.
  • Business Intelligence - As a strategic partner in the organization’s success, the facility manager needs to make data-driven decisions. That means not only reducing costs in managing the operations, but also understanding the impact that facility decisions has on the overall business. Shifts in energy usage, temperature requirements, workflow processes have an impact on the facility requirements and the operational expenses associated with the facility.