Phase III of Act 129 | How You Can Benefit from Energy Efficient Programs

Enacted in 2008, Act 129 is Pennsylvania’s flagship energy efficiency law that requires major electric distribution companies to reduce energy use within its service territory by implementing energy efficient programs. In the first seven years of the law, utility programs have delivered $6.4 billion in benefits to Pennsylvania electric customers. Source: Keystone Energy Efficiency Alliance (KEEA)

Phase III of Act 129 began in June 2016 and will end in June 2021. Customers who take advantage of programs such as the PPL Electric Utilities Business Energy Efficiency Rebate Program directly see bill savings through rebates for high-efficiency lighting, upgrades to industrial processes, advanced building controls, and construction of efficient new buildings.

Business customers can realize performance-based rebates at $0.05/annual kWh, to 50% of the project cost up to $500,000, for standard measures: lighting, food service equipment, refrigeration, controls/occupancy sensors, office equipment, HVAC, VFDs on pumps and motors, combined heat and power (CHP), or agriculture equipment.

For custom projects, performance-based rebates are available at $0.06/annual kWh. Savings are measured and verified, and pre-approval is required to reserve funding for both standard and custom projects.

Think Beyond the Bulb

Switching from fluorescent to energy efficient LED bulbs is a common and effective upgrade, but there are many untraditional upgrades and retrofits that will save you both money and energy. A wastewater treatment plant participating in the PPL Electric Utilities Business Energy Efficiency Rebate Program recently implemented controls on their aeration blowers. As a result, they saved 640,530 kWh/year and received a rebate of $38,432 within 3.7 years. Total cost of the project was $227,069.

More than Just Rebates

In addition to navigating the rebate process, technical expertise is available to identify savings opportunities in your facility, as well as assistance in publicizing your accomplishments to your community. By participating in Phase III of Act 29, you’ll not only see savings to your bottom line, but you’ll also:

  • Support corporate sustainability goals.
  • Improve work environment for employees.
  • Lower operating and maintenance costs.
  • Increase production outputs.

To find out more about how you qualify for the PPL Electric Utilities Business Energy Efficiency Rebate Program, visit



Bud Fogleman, Outreach Consultant | CLEAResult | 814-660-2185