Electric Vehicle Charging Rebate Program

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has introduced a program to make rebates available to businesses, governments, and other entities that install electric vehicle charging stations on their properties. The Wolf Administration has developed the new rebate program under the Driving PA Forward initiative.

The program opened in September 2018 and is designed to improve air quality in Pennsylvania and drive transformation from older, polluting diesel engines to clean technologies. Through this program, Pennsylvania’s goal is to permanently reduce NOx emissions by as much as 27,000 tons.

The Level 2 EV Charging Rebate Program will accomplish this goal by spurring widespread investment in EV charging infrastructure across Pennsylvania. The program is funded through Pennsylvania’s allocation from the State Mitigation Trust, and will make $7.7 million available over a 5 year period.

Businesses, nonprofit organizations, and government at various levels can apply for rebates after they have installed the equipment. Rebates will be provided either as a maximum dollar amount or as a percentage of project costs, whichever is less.

Details on the program and grant application forms can be found at: www.depgis.state.pa.us/DrivingPAForward

Eligible Applicants

Those eligible for the program include:

  • businesses incorporated in Pennsylvania

  • incorporated nonprofits

  • state, local, or tribal government agencies

  • air quality or transportation organizations

  • metropolitan or rural/regional transportation planning organizations

  • federal government agencies

Ineligible Applicants

Those organizations that are not eligible for the program include:

  • businesses that are not incorporated in Pennsylvania

  • individuals

Eligible Locations

  • Publicly accessible government-owned property

  • Publicly accessible non-government owned property

  • Workplace property accessible to employees but not publicly accessible

  • Multi-unit dwelling property accessible to resident but not publicly accessible