Let Your Nerd Flag Fly

. . . the engineers at SSM do

Did You Know . . .

  • The City of Reading’s Wastewater Treatment Facility was the first trickling filter plant in the United States.

  • The more you can smell the “chlorine” smell, actually means you need to add more chlorine. In a swimming pool that is being heavily used, smelling chlorine means that it is oxidizing organics, and more will need to be added since it is being used up. So, in a pool that is correctly balanced, you will subtly smell the chlorine at close range, but it won’t be “in your face”. A pool under heavy load will have a stronger smell until more chlorine is added. But … one caveat, if the pool water is correctly balanced and then someone adds more chlorine than is needed, the smell will also be present.

  • Typically the distance between sanitary sewer manholes is 400 feet.

  • Philadelphia’s water infrastructure system is roughly 200 years old, dating back to 1815 when the “Fairmount Water Works” began operating using steam driven pumps to pump water from the Schuylkill River.