Water and Wastewater: Emergency Preparedness

For water and wastewater treatment plants, keeping your operators healthy and protected is the priority. Make sure your operators are equipped with the right personal protective equipment and support that they need to continue operating your plant in a safe and healthy way.

Of similar priority, be prepared for the worst case scenario. Make sure you have everything in place to easily transition should someone at your plant get sick.  An important first step to take in being prepared is ensuring you have up-to-date operating procedures and guidelines that are readily available.

We hope you aren’t faced with this situation. But if you are, we’re here to help.

Support Options for Water and Wastewater Treatment Operations
In the event that you experience staffing challenges due to the coronavirus pandemic, SSM has qualified, experienced, and certified water and wastewater management, operations and maintenance personnel to assist and/or backup your personnel.

  • Review, update or prepare Standard Operating Procedures and Guidelines

  • Conduct a vulnerability assessment and prioritize risk points

  • Provide certified operators

  • Perform sampling and laboratory procedures

  • Provide management services

  • Provide administrative services

  • Operate treatment plants or provide shift operators

  • Operations management and oversight

  • Operate dewatering equipment

  • Perform maintenance procedures

  • Troubleshoot process issues

  • Troubleshoot machinery or equipment issues

Call SSM today at 610-621-2000 or send us an email at information@ssmgroup.com for help determining how to best prepare for a potential crisis at your facility.