Energy and Sustainability Services: What it means for our Commercial and Industrial Clients

Saving money and reducing energy uncertainty is good business.

Our customary services for site and building infrastructure touch nearly every aspect of a company’s carbon footprint, including water and waste management; comfort and process cooling, heating, and ventilation; electric supply, distribution, lighting and backup.

The independent expertise and project experience of our new Energy and Sustainability Services division will help our clients plan and execute meaningful, long term goals for climate accountability and cost reduction. And when your community sets aggressive goals to move towards using renewable energy throughout your municipality, we are there to help you develop a plan, engage the community, and break down the barriers to implementation of your long-term energy plan.

  • Energy Auditing and Benchmarking

  • Energy Modeling- for existing buildings or design support for new buildings

  • Re-tuning HVAC and Central Utility Plant Operations

  • Strategic Energy Planning, including long-term renewable energy plans

  • ROI / Feasibility Studies for Capital and Renewable Energy Projects

  • Energy Grant and Utility Rebate Management

  • Carbon and GHG Inventories and Reduction Planning for Vendor Sustainability Programs

  • Financing for Energy Projects

  • Monthly, Quarterly, or Annual Tracking of Energy Performance


Corporate Campus Improves Energy Performance, Receives ENERGY STAR™ Building Certifications

Operational Assessments

Monthly monitoring and adjustment of HVAC control sequences in 2006-2007 cut energy use more than 10%. Total cost savings were over $65,000 and the firm avoided more than 1 million pounds of CO2 emissions.

Energy Auditing

Performed campus-wide energy audits and provided clear justification for HVAC system re-tuning and certain capital investments. Identified additional annual savings of more than $40,000.

Implementation Support

Provided independent financial and lifecycle analyses of lighting and heat pump upgrade proposals for 4 buildings, to ensure the best project choice, maximize ROI, and assure long-term operational efficiency. To date, lighting upgrades have been performed in 4 buildings, and heat pump upgrades have been completed in 2 buildings.

Ongoing Measurement + Verification

Benchmark and track monthly energy performance and savings by building, to assure client expectations are met or exceeded. Annual electricity (kWh) savings for the last 12 months ending January 2013 ranged from 20% to 42% per building.

ENERGY STAR Certification

Due to significant improvements in energy performance, 2 of the 4 buildings with retrofits qualified for the ENERGY STAR label in 2012. Validated the buildings’ energy performance scores and managed the certification process.

Carbon Footprint

Most recently, performed a campus-wide carbon footprint, which captures these energy savings and provides a tangible measure of progress. This offers significant opportunities to demonstrate the firm’s commitment to its employees, community and customers.


  • Operational Assessments

  • Energy Auditing

  • Implementation Support

  • Ongoing Measurement + Verification

  • ENERGY STAR Certification


Total cost savings were over $65,000 and the firm avoided more than 1 million pounds of CO2 emissions.