Leave Earth a Better Place


Stormwater runoff is generated from rain and snowmelt events that flow over land or impervious surfaces, such as paved streets, parking lots, and building rooftops, and does not soak into the ground. (United States Environmental Protection Agency).

That’s right, rain and Stormwater have a direct path into our bodies of water. When rain falls onto homes and buildings it “runs off” instead of infiltrating into the ground and vegetation. But- Stormwater runoff takes any and all pollutants and contaminants it finds along the way.

Managing the water that falls on the land is an increasingly complex issue- one that we know all about. SSM’s has been designing Stormwater management systems to meet ever evolving state and local regulations over the past 50 years. Stormwater management has always been a significant part of land development design. However, the focus has shifted from merely conveying water through a site effectively to controlling the volume of runoff through infiltration. This generally requires innovation in design to effectively utilize both land space and the area dedicated for development.

SSM has decades of experience both designing and reviewing Post-Construction Stormwater Management (PCSM) Plans as well as Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs). Our experience reviewing a wide variety of plans from various engineering firms (in the role of municipal engineer) gives us significant insight into our role as designers for land development projects. We are well acquainted with the local municipal and PaDEP permitting and approval requirements and processes, as we routinely obtain NPDES construction site Stormwater permits. While much of our Stormwater design work is in conjunction with land development plans, some are also stand-alone projects.

We are proud leaders in the field of stormwater management and have refined a comprehensive list of services that are designed to meet a variety of Stormwater management needs.

  • Storm Sewer Design

  • BMP and Infiltration Design

  • Erosion and Sedimentation Control

  • NPDES Permits

  • PaDEP Encroachment Permits

  • FEMA Approvals

Solar Carport Design - SSM provided storm sewer upgrade design for an approximately 8-acre parking lot that was being retrofitted with solar canopies over all parking spaces. Our design included determining the spacing of downspouts along the panels, and designing a new pipe conveyance system for the roof panel drainage, that ultimately tied into the existing storm drainage system along the lower portions of the lot.

Park Additions - SSM provided stormwater management facility design as a subconsultant to Simone Collins Landscape Architecture for additional recreation facilities at an existing Township Park. We performed field survey and provided base plans, infiltration testing and designed infiltration facilities for five new and/or expanded facilities.

Township Park - SSM provided stormwater management facility design as a subconsultant to Simone Collins Landscape Architecture for a new Township Park on a 20-acre former industrial site. We performed field survey and provided base plans, infiltration testing and designed collection, conveyance and infiltration facilities for the proposed recreation facilities, pavilion and parking areas.