Considering Solar?

Here are a few benefits to going solar:

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  1. It’s good for the planet! Electricity from solar lowers the amount of carbon emitted into the environment, reducing our impact on climate change. This results in less pollution and cleaner air!

  2. Lower energy bills! By installing a solar array on your building, you will pay less on your energy bill. Rather than buying electricity through your utility, you will be generating electricity on-site! This savings can be used to pay for the cost of the solar array.

  3. Set’s a good example! Seeing a solar array makes it clear you are committed to a sustainable future, and hopefully inspire others to make environmental improvements in their own daily life!

  4. Increase your property value! Building with a solar array have a higher market value than similar properties without. Additionally, there is a higher resale value for owners!

  5. Incentives! The federal government currently is providing a 26% tax credit for residential and business solar arrays. This is known as the Solar Investment Tax Credit, which was extended until the end of 2022. (Source)

  6. Set it and forget it! Solar arrays have minimal maintenance requirements, as there are no moving parts. Additionally, the typical warranty lasts for a significant portion of the service life for the equipment.