Five Things you Should Know about SSM

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We are more than a typical engineering firm. If we were just an engineering firm, we’d assess, we’d solve, and then we’d cross it off of our list. But we’re not just an engineering firm; we’re so much more. We’re a firm that believes our people are your people. We’re a firm that believes in innovation; built on a solid foundation. We’re an engineering firm that believes in improving the quality of life for clients, employees, and all of the people touched by the work we do.

 We believe our work is important; our clients’ visions are important; and the passion to make good work happen- is the most important strength that we bring to every table.

 We keep our schools and community buildings safe from environmental hazards. We support growing and expanding businesses and hospitals. We help municipalities prepare and protect their infrastructure and resources. We keep water fresh and we keep air clean. We bring old buildings back to life with cutting-edge technology and leading-edge designs. We evaluate; we collaborate; we innovate. 

With offices in Reading, Lancaster, Lehigh Valley, and West Chester, we want our communities to know that, we don’t believe in just getting the job done. We’re here to help. Because our purpose is to help you stick to yours.

Five Things you Should Know about SSM:

  1.  Our purpose is to help you stick to yours.

  2.  Because what we do best, is what you don’t.

  3. And when we provide seamless, timely solutions - our clients get to focus on the core of their business.

  4. So we invest our four core values into everything we do. Pride, Quality, Teamwork, Integrity

  5. Because at SSM, we’re in the business of problem solving. Challenge, Service, Solution. We’ve got you covered.