Energy Efficiency Investment Fund Supports Projects in Delaware

Support from the Energy Efficiency Investment Fund is available to perform energy assessments, to take widely-recognized (prescriptive) improvement steps, and to implement custom, site-specific improvements.

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) provides grants through the Energy Efficiency Investment Fund (EEIF) to help commercial and industrial customers replace aging, inefficient equipment and systems with energy efficient alternatives.

Energy Efficiency Investment Fund Grants

  • Energy Assessment Grants support single purpose (targeted) energy audits and comprehensive energy audits designed to help facilities receive technical evaluations for appropriate, cost-effective energy efficiency improvements, specific to each building’s needs.

  • Prescriptive Improvement Grants include two types of applications: prescriptive lighting and heating, which includes natural gas heating and water heating equipment.

  • Custom Improvements Grants apply to more complex or one-of-a-kind measures that go beyond the equipment funded by Prescriptive Improvement Grants. Custom incentives mitigate a significant portion of the project costs for high efficiency equipment. They are based on incremental cost, calculated energy and demand savings of retrofit projects, cost effectiveness, and are limited by total project cost.

  • Combined Heat and Power Grants include five types of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems: microturbines, reciprocating engines, gas turbines, steam turbines, and fuel cells. Systems must meet the minimum 60% annual system efficiency requirement, and produce 1.0 MMbtu/hour of useful thermal output. The CHP pathway is ideal for facilities with high annual hours of operation and a high thermal load.



Application Portal:

ESupplier website for Payment:

Does this information speak to you?
Let’s get you started on acquiring your funding. Give us a call.

Paul Spiegel, PE, LEED AP | Director Energy and Sustainability Services |