Geographic Information Systems and Asset Management

SSM provides professional GIS services to municipalities; from mapping support for infrastructure projects, to focused GIS and data capture projects. SSM’s GIS Asset Management approach helps municipalities to transform sewer infrastructure data into an easy-to-use operations asset management system capturing vital infrastructure data points with survey-grade accuracy. The data is verified and compiled into a geo-spatial database.

  • GIS Database Development

  • GIS Training

  • ArcGIS Online Implementation

  • Mobile Application Design

  • Field Data Collection

  • Survey Grade GPS Collection

  • Customizable Inspection Forms

  • Field Inspection Reports

  • Document Management

Sewer Manhole Inspections through Integrated Mobile GIS Technology

Traditionally sanitary sewer manhole inspections are conducted by field inspectors, filling out a blank inspection report form, using pen and paper. Utilizing mobile GIS technology, the process can be streamlined, eliminating the need for paper forms and clipboards. A customized manhole inspection app guides the inspector through a series of questions where answers range from yes/no or multiple choice to free-form responses. Working directly with the collection system’s existing GIS data, the inspection app pulls manhole information (such as manhole ID#) into the form, and when complete, pushes the collected information back into the GIS. If the system does not have GIS already in place, the manhole inspection app can be used to initiate system-wide GIS implementation.

Case Study: GIS Mapping for Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation and Investigation

SSM provided assistance to the Norristown Municipal Waste Authority (NMWA) for over 15 years for compliance with a PA Department of Environmental Protection Consent Order and Agreement to eliminate combined sewer overflows (CSOs) and excessive Inflow/Infiltration from the sewage collection system. SSM performed extensive Inflow/Infiltration (I/I) investigations and program management, including manhole inspections, building and outside property inspections, and some smoke and dye testing of roof leaders, foundation drains and parking lot storm drains.

SSM prepared and calibrated the hydraulic model of the Authority’s 60-mile sanitary sewer collection system and performed Sewer System Evaluations and cost-benefits analysis for various projects, including alternatives analyses for several sewer rehabilitation projects. SSM also prepared an extensive conceptual design and analysis of alternatives for the WWTP.

SSM provided extensive GIS Mapping of the NMWA’s sanitary sewer collection system to include 60 miles of sanitary sewer. The GIS database was used to prepare and calibrate a hydraulic model of the sewer system and to provide maps for use in Inflow/Infiltration (I/I) investigations and program management, including flow metering locations (pre- and post-rehabilitation), manhole inspections, building and outside property inspections, some smoke and dye testing of roof leaders, foundation drains and parking lot storm drains. GIS database management was utilized in order to map the results of televising investigations and flow metering, as well as to provide recommendations for non-invasive inflow reduction methods for property owners. SSM provided guidance to NMWA staff for collecting data from property surveys which was then incorporated into the GIS database. This mapping was later incorporated into the NMWA’s Combined Sewer Overflow - Long Term Control Plan for submission to the PA DEP, including the Nine Minimum Controls update for CSO 003.