Case Study: National Water Quality Initiative Readiness Assessment Plan

Collective efforts of the local farmers and the Schuylkill Action Network (SAN) to improve water quality in Berks County.

Write-up courtesy of Kent Himelright, Watershed Coordinator, Berks County Conservation District

This case study highlights the collective efforts of local farmers and the Schuylkill Action Network (SAN) to improve water quality in Berks County. Through collaboration with the Natural Resource Conservation Resource (NRCS), the many partners of the Schuylkill Action Network, including Spotts, Stevens and McCoy, were able to engage the Reading Area Water Authority, and begin the process of developing a National Water Quality Initiative (NWQI) Readiness Assessment Plan for the Maiden Creek Watershed. The goal of the Plan was to evaluate the water quality needs of the watershed’s Source Water Protection Areas and Public Water Systems.

As a result, the completion of Readiness Plan in 2019 yielded the allocation of $5 million over 5 years to implement agricultural conservation practices in the Maiden Creek Watershed.

Now, in it’s third year of implementation the NWQI and the many great farmers of the Maiden Creek watershed have allocated over $2 million and implemented dozens of conservation practices like manure storages, animal heavy use area protection, pasture management, and fencing to restrict livestock from waterways.

The implementation of these conservation practices helps improve water quality and keep our drinking water sources healthy. It has been the strong relations and cooperation between both conservation partners and agricultural operators that have made these worthwhile efforts possible.