PennTec 2021: Annual Technical Conference

Ralph E. Johnson, PE, Vice President Environmental Services presents: COVID and Sanitary Sewers

In the wake of COVID-19 response, now is the time to explore best practices and review what we’ve learned in the wastewater industry. The session will explore potential exposures and how we manage the impact.

Emergency Response Plan Updates, Critical Pandemic Preparedness Plan elements, Exit and re-entry planning - critical positions, maintaining the facility. Protecting the Operators: What needs to change? What if they get sick?

What we’ll discuss

  • Collection of expert’s best thinking on the topic.

  • Resource document to help you navigate your decisions

  • Best Practices in our field.

During this session we’ll explore the historical impact of waterborne diseases and wastewater and the scientific studies being conducted currently to not only detect COVID-19 in wastewater but to possibly use its presence to track and predict potential outbreak locations. We will explore potential wastewater exposure sources and steps to take for protection including engineering controls, administrative controls, safe work practices, and personal protective equipment.

Key points of discussion

  • The scientifically documented history of disease in sewage contaminated water dates back to 1854 in England

  • In the United States both state and local governments have primary authority for maintaining the quality and safety of recreational waters (both freshwater and marine).

  • The United States is one of a few countries to have a national surveillance system for waterborne disease outbreaks.

  • Source of contamination can be of fecal or nonfecal origin.

  • No single indicator organism or small set of indicators can successfully identify or predict the presence of all threats.

  • Since there are still unknowns about COVID-19 being assessed we need to assure we’re using best practice available to us at this time.

  • Protective practices include Engineering and Administrative Controls, Safe Work Practices and Personal Protective Equipment.

  • There are steps we can take now to manage the future, and there are resources we can reference to stay up to date with the latest information.

In addition to understanding the impact of waterborne diseases we’ll discuss the necessary updates to Emergency Response Plans and staffing plans to facilitate smooth crisis management should a key member of the team become sick. The program will include focus on key items, initiatives, and programming to have in place in advance.

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Ralph E. Johnson, PE
| Vice President, Environmental Engineering | Mr. Johnson is the director of the water and wastewater engineering and operations services, including all aspects of water and wastewater engineering, municipal and authority representation, water and wastewater treatment operations, treatment plant design, construction phase engineering, water resources and regulatory compliance assistance. Previously with the City of Reading as the Public Works Director and City Engineer, Mr. Johnson brings more than 35 years of experience in the industry which includes Consent Decree Compliance, Dam Safety Issues, MS4 regulatory compliance, emergency response planning, capital improvement project planning and implementation, grant writing, bridge inspection and maintenance, and wastewater plant upgrades and construction.