Spottlight on Education

Spottlight on Education

This month, schools across the country participated in American Education Week.

The week promotes collaboration between parents and educators. This tradition began in 1921 when members of the American Legion, the U.S. Office of Education, and the National Education Association joined efforts to improve literacy and physical education across the country. This month we celebrate the educators and administrators that are inspiring the next generation of engineers, artists, innovators, and creators.

From helping students to understand how their school is heated and cooled to developing educational materials for outreach activities, to reaching out to the community to facilitate success we are engaged in providing educational opportunities.

We’re here to help. We understand what institutions of learning need, and we deliver cost-effective, sustainable services. The specifics vary, but one course is always part of the program: ensuring a safe and healthy environment for students and staff to learn, live, and work.

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Spottlight on Forward Thinking

Spottlight on Forward Thinking

Over the years, organizations like yours and like ours have navigated game-changing decisions, world-changing events, life-changing innovations. We’re here again. We’re on the crux of great changes ready, for new normals, reporting on big decisions, and embracing game-changers. From innovative ways of approaching common projects to lessons learned in preparing for the future- our focus this month is on forward-thinking. This month, we look to the lessons learned over the past few months, the challenges that were identified, and the questions that seek answers as many approach “big months” and game-changing adjustments.

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Spottlight on Showing Up

Spottlight on Showing Up

There’s so much that we could say right now. But instead, this month, we want to show up.

At SSM, we knew from the day that the COVID-19 pandemic began to pose a serious threat to impacting our communities- that our number one job was to show up. This month, this Spottlight, we want to show up for you in one of the best ways we know how- sharing what we know. We’ve deployed our divisions to help us talk about some of the things we know are on your mind. From environmental to facility- take what you need.

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Spottlight on the Future

Spottlight on the Future

Every year at this time, we are faced with thoughts about the future. The New Year pushes us to leave our last year behind- the good, the bad, the difficult, and the triumphant. In exchange, you may be thinking about where you will be moving forward. It is time to look at new goals, new changes, and preparing yourself for new challenges. Now is the time to think about where you want to go and who you want to be.

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