Spottlight on Summer


Spottlight on Engineering for Buildings

Spottlight on Engineering for Buildings

It takes a lot to make and market a product. It also takes a lot to assure regulatory compliance as well as address needs such as increased capacity, routine maintenance and facility expansion. That's why manufacturers of everything from chocolate to steel turn to SSM when it comes time to secure prime locations, plan more efficient warehouses and distribution centers, conduct feasibility studies, upgrade utilities and building systems, improve traffic flow and expand operations.

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Spottlight on Mobile GIS Applications

Spottlight on Mobile GIS Applications

SSM provides professional GIS services to municipalities; from mapping support for infrastructure projects, to focused GIS and data capture projects. SSM’s GIS Asset Management approach helps municipalities to transform sewer infrastructure data into an easy-to-use operations asset management system capturing vital infrastructure data points with survey-grade accuracy. The data is verified and compiled into a geo-spatial database.

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