Wastewater Engineering


Norristown Municipal Waste Authority

Montgomery County, Pennsylvania

Wastewater Collection and Treatment Services

Approximately 10,000 customers served, SSM duties include assistance with EPA consent decree including hydraulic modeling of the collection system; identification of problem areas through televising, manhole inspections and flow metering, and design of repair projects on the collection system and interceptor piping systems.  Management of construction projects is included.


Sewer System Hydraulic Modeling and I/I Remediation

Phase 1 utilized GIS capabilities to create a working database. Utilized PCSWMM to create a calibrated hydraulic model

Phase 2 utilized database and model to determine future flow impacts and provide rehabilitation recommendations to reduce infiltration and inflow. Develop and implement I/I remediation projects based on closed circuit television inspections and field inspections.  Manage all construction projects related to I/I remediation.