Return on Environment

There are plenty of reasons to invest in Earth’s treasures and environmental sustainability. At all levels, leaders are increasingly recognizing a Return on Environment- indicating their time, energies, and funds put into Earth’s treasures and environmental sustainability are well worth the investment.

For business owners and leaders, research suggests that an organization’s commitment to best environmental practices increases recruitment and retention as well as sales and growth. The 2017 Forbes article ROE (Return on Environment) is the new ROI cites that “millennials are three times more likely to seek out employment with a sustainably minded company”. Similarly, large companies such as Walmart have established their commitment to environmental sustainability, eliminating products with harmful chemicals and revamping its supply chain- all while increasing their sales growth and attracting new, younger demographics.

It’s not just about for-profit businesses though. Chester County is experiencing similar connections to the Return on Environment. Specifically, Chester County’s planning commission put out a 2019 report disclosing the economic value of protected open space. Preservation of open spaces such as landscapes, trails, fields, and nature preserves have opened greater benefits in the forms of health, property values, recreation, economic activities, and community cost savings. Through this report, Chester County articulates that investing in protecting environmental open space offers incredible value- certainly offering a return on their environment.

Investment in environmental sustainability offers a number of valuable returns at a variety of measurable levels. The trick to it all? Don’t just commit- get it done. What all of these organizations, communities, and businesses have in common is that they didn’t stop with a pronouncement of a commitment to the environment. Instead, they followed through- implemented new practices, revamped existing and longstanding systems, and put their commitment into action. Start today and see your return begin to come in.


Want to know more about Chester County’s report on open spaces?
