Trees Matter: 4 reasons that you might not have known before

Trees Matter:  4 reasons that you might not have known before

Why do we save trees? What’s the big deal about them anyways?

We bet you’re screaming at us now saying “BECAUSE THEY GIVE US OXYGEN!!”
We hear you! Trees are one of Earth’s great treasures because of their role in the carbon cycle. Flashback to high school biology! Animals and humans breathe in oxygen and exhale CO2 while trees, and other plants, do the opposite.

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Toes in the Sand

Toes in the Sand

Have you found yourself at work in the middle of winter (or really, any season), wishing you could be surrounded by sand? To your left, to your right, wouldn’t it be nice if it was all sand? Do you wish, when you’re walking your dog that you actually had your toes in the sand? Holding your phone, typing on your laptop- do you wish it could be sand running through your fingertips?

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Who to Talk to about Water Protection

Who to Talk to about Water Protection

Water- it’s one of Earth’s great treasures. There are two main sources of drinking water- surface water (streams, rivers, and lakes) and ground water (aquifers). Protecting these sources of water not only protect the public from health risks, but it also protects from higher treatment costs from utility systems. You probably already know this value of protecting water sources. (If you don’t- check out our August 2019 Spottlight, available on our website).

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