Trees Matter: 4 reasons that you might not have known before

“Save a tree!” Have you heard that one before? It’s the classic line we say every time one of our coworkers prints too much- or when we put our misprints in a pile and assert that we’ll definitely use them as scrap paper.

Why do we save trees? What’s the big deal about them anyways? We bet you’re screaming at us now saying “BECAUSE THEY GIVE US OXYGEN!!” We hear you! Trees are one of Earth’s great treasures because of their role in the carbon cycle. Flashback to high school biology! Animals and humans breathe in oxygen and exhale CO2 while trees, and other plants, do the opposite.

But you knew that already, right? What we want to talk about are a few other ways that trees are one of earth’s great treasures. Because, knowing why it matters makes protecting and cherishing them so much easier.

  1. Trees help us to have better health and better air quality. They actually act as a buffer to toxins. They absorb and trap dust and other air pollutants, preventing them from impacting you! Not to mention, trees offer shade and reduce noise.

  2. Trees and stormwater are friends. That’s right, trees help to eliminate stormwater runoff. That’s when stormwater carries pollutants to our bodies of water. Trees intercept (like in football- for those of you missing sports right now) the rainfall and allow it to infiltrate into the ground below, eliminating some runoff. Plus, by absorbing all of this stormwater- trees help prevent flooding and soil erosion!

  3. Trees make the world a better place. It’s not all about nature. There’s a lot that these great treasures do in your everyday life. Studies show that neighborhoods with trees and other greenery have lesser incidences of violence. Trees and green spaces also support feelings of community and offer educational experiences. They also boost the economy- research shows that people will pay more for homes that are near trees!

  4. Trees provide great gifts to our world. The truth is, trees create a lot more than just paper. Think about the park bench you sit on, or the wood that you knock on. Trees are all around us in various forms. Parts of trees are even used for some products you wouldn’t think of- sponges, latex, rubber, car wax, and even chewing gum. They all depend on trees.

Think about your tree consumption.

What can you be doing to help conserve this treasure? You may be surprised- there’s a lot more you can do than just sprinting to the printer when you realize you made a misprint. And no, we aren’t going to ask you to start writing on your hands instead of using paper.

Here are just a few simple changes you can make in your everyday life that will help protect and conserve.

  1. Join a library or switch to digital. Books take up a lot of paper! Use your resources- instead of purchasing books, share with your community. Or- consider digital books which really save on paper!

  2. Go paperless. Your banks and credit card companies have probably been offering paperless bills for a long time. It’s a quick and easy change that can make a big difference!

  3. Use the scrap paper. There is a lot of paper that we dispose of- junk mail, misprints, old documents, and more. Next time you have to write a grocery store list- grab your nearest misprint and use it to your advantage!

Remember- the little things go a long way. Make small changes today and see big changes in the future.