Small Changes Mean Big Savings

According to the US EPA, energy efficiency has a positive impact on the environment from lowering green house gas emissions and pollutants to decreasing water usage. But saving energy is also great for decreasing costs associated with operations. There are many steps, big and small, your organization can take to become more energy efficient.

  • Use less energy. Did you know that your operations may use less energy if you stagger the way you turn on your lights and equipment? When is the last time your calibrated your systems so that the schedule of energy use is aligned to the actual use of the building? If you don’t know where the biggest energy expenditures happen in your facilities, an energy assessment is a simple first step to answer that question.

  • Invest in smart energy technologies (thermostats, lights, plugs). Utilize auto-adjusting temperature settings to lower the thermostat when there are no people in the building and automate lights when rooms are not occupied.

  • Explore rebate programs. Utilities often offer incentives or rebate programs related to improved energy efficiency. In some cases, you might even be paying fees that allow those rebates to happen. Make sure you’re getting your use out of these opportunities! The programs reward reductions per kilowatt hour usage.

    • PECO Trade Ally

    • PJM Interconnection Programming

  • Consider ways to secure energy prices. Solar power is often a cost-effective decision as it drastically decreases your electric bills, even if your solar system doesn’t produce 100% of your consumed energy. Plus, it can help prevent paying for rising energy costs. Switching to solar is also beneficial to the environment and your local utility companies. Your switch can offer less stress on utilities’ infrastructure and contribute to less carbon emissions produced by the generation of electricity via power plants. (Plus: they usually reward you for it!)

  • Leverage financing and incentive opportunities. At SSM, we have a team of staff members that are familiar with incentives available on the state and federal level as well as grant and low-interest financing opportunities. We can provide services to you that help you complete the required documentation and coordination to receive these incentives.

  • Solar Array Funding

  • Low-Interest Financing

  • Grant Programs

  • Guaranteed Energy Savings Agreement

  • Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE)

We pride ourselves on supporting investments in all sides of the energy market, including both where energy comes from and how it’s used in the buildings.