A Sustainable Budget

Wondering how to impact the bottom line while also engaging your community and stakeholders in making the world a better place? The answer: start including energy efficiency in your budget. The best time to start? Now.

Municipal governments as well as industries and corporations engage every year in strategic planning and writing budgets. Our recommendation is to make sure energy efficiency is a top priority on your budget for the next year.

Here’s what you should budget for first: Energy Audits. This assessment on one or all of your buildings looks at the primary energy use systems like heating, air conditioning, lighting and ventilation. Additionally, the assessment explores the operational practices that can be modified at low or no cost to better manage energy consumption, not to mention save you money.

Whether it’s small operational changes or larger capital expenses, a result of the audit is that you know where your best opportunities are now and in coming years. Some utility companies are even offering better than ever incentives. We want to help you take advantage of them. Just wondering, what could you do more of with 10%, or even 20% in your operating budget? Would it be worth the energy assessment if you could gain back costs you had to cut, or green light initiatives you have yet to be able to start? The answer is easy.

Budgeting for an energy assessment now also opens the door for clear and articulate strategic plans for years to come. Energy audits outline your greatest opportunities for future savings as well as the feasibility of your long-term goals.

Start with step one, budget for your initial energy assessment. Then, give us a call and we’ll help you find your opportunities. We’re here to help.