New Grant Program Announced by Susquehanna River Basin Commission

The Susquehanna River Basin Commission (SRBC) has recently announced a new grant program aimed at improving water availability and quality in the Susquehanna River Basin, particularly during droughts. These “Consumptive Use Mitigation Grants” are based on the SRBC’s 2020 Consumptive Use Mitigation Policy, which refers to water that is used but not returned to the basin. The purpose of the program is to improve the resiliency of the Basin’s water resources, and hopes to award $4-6 million for the following types of projects:

  • Environmental and water quality improvement projects - These types of projects include natural waterway (wetlands, streams, floodplains) restoration, projects which may increase groundwater recharge, stormwater management improvement, or projects which will decrease pollutant loading in streams or groundwater.

  • Demand modification projects - An example of this type of project is altering the processes or increasing the efficiency at a local industrial facility that helps the facility reduce water usage, or allows it to reuse or recycle water used.

  • Projects that modify current operations or implement new practices which increase instream flows or improve flow resilience - This type of project would ideally deal with reservoir conservation releases, aquifer storage and recovery, or coordinated use of groundwater and surface water.

  • Water storage and release projects that can enhance supply and reliability during drought - Recently, the Commission assisted in a study to determine the feasibility of acquiring and using an abandoned limestone quarry for conservation releases. This type of project is eligible for these grand funds under this category.

There is a requirement for a minimum 10% cash match for the total requested grant funds; however, grant funds can be used to cover a variety of the project costs, including land acquisition.

SRBC held an informational webinar on November 16, which will be repeated on Wednesday, December 8. Proposals are currently being accepted and are due before January 28, 2022. Grants will be announced April 2022, with grant agreements executed June 2022.

More information on who may apply, acceptable project types, and other details may be found at

Our clients in the Susquehanna River Basin have a great opportunity to receive funding for projects which improve water quality and resiliency in their local watershed. SSM is excited to assist with the project planning, grant applications, and project implementation. Interested in applying? Give us a call!


Ashton Prifer |