Traffic Signal Design
/Berks County Industrial Development Authority
Berks County, Pennsylvania
SSM designed all of the transportation aspects of a 300+ acre industrial park. The project included preparation of a comprehensive Traffic Impact Study, and design and preparation of plans in support of a Highway Occupancy Permit (HOP) from PennDOT. The HOP included widening and major improvements to SR 501 at the park entrance, major improvements and traffic signalization to two existing off-site intersections, and PennDOT Right of Way plans for both the site and off-site intersections.
Both off-site intersections involved State Highways and required the design of new traffic signals, roadway widening, pedestrian studies, and negotiations with adjacent owners to obtain rights of way and/or easements. For the intersection in the center of Bethel, new ADA compliant curb ramps and sidewalk treatments were needed on all four corners, as well as a design to segregate pedestrian pathways from vehicular areas.